Until the slavering hypertext markup language behemoth we are alchemically constructing in the darkest recesses of our labyrinthine cellars is complete - or, at least, fuctioning - we are unable to do more than point you in the direction of some places that you may wish to visit. And these are they.
www.waste.uk.com is an open-all-hours online emporium where persons wishing to peruse radiohead merchandise may do so at their leisure.
the radiohead messageboard is another 24-7 amenity, which was originally intended to be a bulletin board where urgent information would be posted for the interested. How little we knew. Or know, for that matter.
join w.a.s.t.e for email updates on concerts, early warning on ticket sales and very, very occasionally, other 'stuff' about which the representative I spoke to was extremely vague.
the byzantine ziggurat is a strange building that has no physical existence. It is full of dark spaces that you can wander into and perhaps find other people. It's very big and we don't know what to do with it yet.
radiohead.tv is a series of half-hour shows that are broadcast every hour on the hour. They are presented by a man named Chieftan Mews, who is not entirely of this world.
This, this, and this are links to previous versions of Radiohead.com. They are hosted by followmearound.com, which is a good thing really as I've lost them long ago. Be aware that a lot of the links will be out of date; ie., they won't work. Any email addresses will be useless too, I should think. This one is more recent. Ah, it seems like only yesterday. It's hosted by ateaseweb.com, which is nice of them. It might be useful. It might not. There's a big gap where the imaginary prisons used to be.