We're here now. We trust this meets with your satisfaction.
Any complaints should be made lovingly through the proper channels, but may we also recommend you visit the links to other sites that are almost as official as this. There is a page of links somewhere, but not here. It's probably not far away.
If there is a place to come to find out what were really doing, it would be here, but as were not really doing anything there's not much to say. And anyway who's to say who's really writing this.

There is a RADIOHEAD eMail site, which we subscribed to for 24 hours. It's busy. If you send the message 'subscribe radiohead' to

you will get a load of data. Doing so before going on holiday is not recommended - apparently when you get back it takes about three hours to download the eMail. Something to ponder on.
Stay tuned. Virtually geographic information next...

If you want to go to our EasyLink screen, which, admittedly, you may have seen before, point your mouse at this link!