these people hoarded like cattle
comforting screaming babys and novels
staring straight ahead
in the panic the stewardess is desperate
she is shouting at the standing
those who demand their extra inches of space
first in the queue
packed in tomato sauce sardines with a bomb
none of the cattle stand a chance
the babys maintain their crying vigil
the upper class take comfort in their space and their upgrade
in the event of anything untoward they will proceed toward the nearest exit
in a dignified fashion
holiday makers at the end of the trip
tanned consumers with duty free
remember their experiences as best they can before it is too late

maKE peace with the world taking your seat on the plane
on this last flight out of new york this evening there is a bomb
children and families first please
excuse me have i got the window seat i asked for
i have to be able to see the ground
which is C?
neatly designed hand luggage
cattle herded to slaughter they hold their bags up and inch forward

bright gay colours appear sad and grey in the pressurised cabin
the feed is reheated